
Business & Management Experts

Marv Painter

Management and Marketing
University of Saskatchewan


Dr. Painter is a professor of entrepreneurship and has been involved in undergraduate and graduate level teaching, research, consulting work and executive training programs. Research projects have included agribusiness management and entrepreneurship and farmland investment strategies. Consulting projects have included economic development projects, business planning and feasibility studies, personal financial planning, marketing analysis, forensic accounting, and agricultural financial analysis. Dr. Painter has been involved in executive training programs through the Edwards School of Business, which have been primarily in the areas of feasibility analysis, strategic business planning, venture management and investment analysis, and personal financial planning. Dr. Painter currently teaches the capstone entrepreneurship and business planning course and is associated with the entrepreneurship minors offered throughout the University by the Edwards School of Business and the Edwards Entrepreneurship Initiative.

Research Interest

Management and Marketing

Global Experts from Canada

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