Lettieri, Michael
Department of Linguistics
University of Toronto
Michael Lettieri, Profess or of Italian , has se rved as Chair of the Department of Language Studies, A ss ociat e Dean ( Hu manitie s) and Vice-Prin cipal (Academic) at the Mississa ug a Ca mpu s (Unive rsit y of Toronto), and Dire ctor of the Italian Schoo l at Midd lebu ry Co llege (Vermont). Highligh ts fro m his extensi ve list of pub licati ons includ e art icles a nd books on textu al critic ism , 16 th -18 th - century drama, and se cond -langu age teac hing and lear ning. He c o-edits t he Universit y of Toronto Press series Toronto S tudies in Italia n P edagogy and Applied Lingu isti cs , and has been recently chosen as incoming Editor of Italica . Lett ieri has rece ived several te aching award s, i nclud ing the Universi ty of T oronto APUS-SAC Und ergradu ate Teaching Award , t he Ontari o C onfederation of Unive rsity Faculty Ass ociat ions Teaching Awar d, the Univers ity of Toronto Presi dent’s T eaching Award, and Am erican Associatio n of Teachers of Italian Distingu ished Service Award. Michael Lettieri, Profess or of Italian , has se rved as Chair of the Department of Language Studies, A ss ociat e Dean ( Hu manitie s) and Vice-Prin cipal (Academic) at the Mississa ug a Ca mpu s (Unive rsit y of Toronto), and Dire ctor of the Italian Schoo l at Midd lebu ry Co llege (Vermont). Highligh ts fro m his extensi ve list of pub licati ons includ e art icles a nd books on textu al critic ism , 16 th -18 th - century drama, and se cond -langu age teac hing and lear ning. He c o-edits t he Universit y of Toronto Press series Toronto S tudies in Italia n P edagogy and Applied Lingu isti cs , and has been recently chosen as incoming Editor of Italica . Lett ieri has rece ived several te aching award s, i nclud ing the Universi ty of T oronto APUS-SAC Und ergradu ate Teaching Award , t he Ontari o C onfederation of Unive rsity Faculty Ass ociat ions Teaching Awar d, the Univers ity of Toronto Presi dent’s T eaching Award, and Am erican Associatio n of Teachers of Italian Distingu ished Service Award.
Research Interest