
Engineering Experts

Murray J. Thomson

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
University of Toronto


Dr. Murray Thomson is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto where he is the Director of the Combustion Research Laboratory. He is also cross-appointed with the Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry. He received a BEng from McGill University (1986) and PhD from University of California, Berkeley (1994).  Professor Thomson is the Director of the NSERC CREATE Program in Clean Combustion Engines. He is on the organizing committee of the biennial International Sooting Flame Workshop, and the Board of Directors of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute. He is on the editorial board of the Combustion and Flame.  Professor Thomson’s research is in the area of combustion with a focus on pollutant formation, biofuels, combustion modeling, material synthesis and optical sensors. He has supervised the thesis research of 91 graduate students and published 96 journal publications. He has developed 4 sensors that had patent applications and were commercialised with Canadian partner companies (Tenova, Unisearch and Resonance). He is a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) and the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE). Dr. Murray Thomson is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto where he is the Director of the Combustion Research Laboratory. He is also cross-appointed with the Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry. He received a BEng from McGill University (1986) and PhD from University of California, Berkeley (1994).  Professor Thomson is the Director of the NSERC CREATE Program in Clean Combustion Engines. He is on the organizing committee of the biennial International Sooting Flame Workshop, and the Board of Directors of the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute. He is on the editorial board of the Combustion and Flame.  Professor Thomson’s research is in the area of combustion with a focus on pollutant formation, biofuels, combustion modeling, material synthesis and optical sensors. He has supervised the thesis research of 91 graduate students and published 96 journal publications. He has developed 4 sensors that had patent applications and were commercialised with Canadian partner companies (Tenova, Unisearch and Resonance). He is a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) and the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE).

Research Interest

Energy and Environmental Engineering Thermal and Fluid Sciences Engineering

Global Experts from Canada

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