Doug Stinson
Cheriton School of Computer Science
University of Waterloo
Dr. Doug Stinson is a Professor in the Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, University Avenue West, Waterloo, ON, Canada.
Research Interest
Professor Stinson's main research interests are in cryptography, including techniques for authentication of digital information; generation of random numbers for cryptographic applications; distribution of secure cryptographic keys; fingerprinting and tracing algorithms to prevent copyright violation; and public-key encryption and signature algorithms. The use of cryptography in networks and distributed settings has been an area of recent interest for Professor Stinson. For example, he has done research on various types of secure distributed cryptographic protocols and their application to multicast security. Broadcast encryption is an example of a method to allow selective decryption of encrypted data in a network setting. Recent work has involved finding new algorithms for key distribution in sensor networks.
J. Lee and D.R. Stinson. On the construction of practical key predistribution schemes for distributed sensor networks using combinatorial designs. TISSEC, 11, article 5, 35 pp., 2008.