Edward R. Vrscay
Professor and Chair
Applied Mathematics
University of Waterloo
"Prof/DrEdward R. Vrscay, PhD, University of Waterloo, Currently, he is working as a Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics in University of Waterloo. His research Include Nonlocal image processing: theory and applications. Fractal image coding (a particular example of nonlocal image processing) and the self-similarity of images. The use of fractal-based coding methods in image processing: compression, denoising, super-resolution. Image quality measures -- in particular, the ``structural similarity'' measure (originally due to Prof. Z. Wang, my collaborator from E&CE, UW). Novel spaces of image functions and their applications: Most recently: (i) measure-valued image mappings and (ii) function-valued image mappings. The latter are ideally suited for the representation of hyperspectral images and diffusion MRI images."
Research Interest
Mathematical imaging Diagnostically lossless medical image compression Fractal-based methods of analysis and approximation Dynamical systems and their applications
La Torre D, Vrscay ER, Ebrahimi M, Barnsley MF. Measure-valued images, associated fractal transforms, and the affine self-similarity of images. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences. 2009 Apr 22;2(2):470-507.
Antonio Sánchez C, Drapaca C, Sivaloganathan S, Vrscay E. Elastography of biological tissue: direct inversion methods that allow for local shear modulus variations. Image Analysis and Recognition. 2010:195-206.
Brunet D, Vrscay ER, Wang Z. Structural similarity-based approximation of signals and images using orthogonal bases. InInternational Conference Image Analysis and Recognition 2010 Jun 21 (pp. 11-22). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Portman N, ANDER UG, Vrscay ER. Grid macroscopic growth law and its application to image inference. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics. 2011 Jun 1:227-60.