
Food & Nutrition Experts

Ken Stark

Department of Kinesiology
University of Waterloo


Dr. Ken Stark is a Professor in the Department of kinesiology, University of Waterloo, University Avenue West, Waterloo, ON, Canada.

Research Interest

Dr. Ken Stark research engages academic, industry, and government collaborators to meet the following objectives: 1) developing and applying innovative lipidomic methods; 2) exploring the use of complex fatty acyl lipid species as blood biomarkers of diet and metabolic phenotyping; and 3) enhancing the understanding the metabolic adaptations that occur during pregnancy to meet fetal lipid demands.


  • Stark KD, Van Elswyk ME, Higgins MR, Weatherford CA, Salem N Jr. Global survey of the omega-3 fatty acids, docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid in the blood stream of healthy adults. Prog Lipid Res. 2016 Jul;63:132-52.

  • Bisgaard H, Stokholm J, Chawes BL, Vissing NH, Bjarnadóttir E, Schoos AM, Wolsk HM, Pedersen TM, Vinding RK, Thorsteinsdóttir S, Følsgaard NV, Fink NR, Thorsen J, Pedersen AG, Waage J, Rasmussen MA, Stark KD, Olsen SF, Bønnelykke K. Fish Oil-Derived Fatty Acids in Pregnancy and Wheeze and Asthma in Offspring. N Engl J Med. 2016 Dec 29;375(26):2530-9

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