Kirsten Morris
Applied Mathematics
University of Waterloo
Prof/Dr Kirsten Morris has received his PhD in Waterloo University. Currently, he/she is working as Professor in Waterloo University. He/ She has successfully completed his/her Administrative responsibilities asApplied Mathmatics, Professor. His/her research has included Infinite-dimensional control systems, Computation of controllers for systems modelled by partial differential equations, Optimal actuator/sensor location, Robust control of smart materials, Hysteresis. He /she have authored Introduction to Feedback Control, Harcourt-Brace, 2000, Control of Flexible Structures, American Mathmatical Society, 1993.
Research Interest
Infinite-dimensional control systems Computation of controllers for systems modelled by partial differential equations Optimal actuator/sensor location Robust control of smart materials
Morris KA. Design of finite-dimensional controllers for infinite-dimensional systems by approximation.
Curtain R, Morris K. Transfer functions of distributed parameter systems: A tutorial. Automatica. 2009 May 31;45(5):1101-16.
Morris KA. Control of systems governed by partial differential equations. The Control Theory Handbook. 2010 Dec.
Sperling R, Salloway S, Brooks DJ, Tampieri D, Barakos J, Fox NC, Raskind M, Sabbagh M, Honig LS, Porsteinsson AP, Lieberburg I. Amyloid-related imaging abnormalities in patients with Alzheimer s disease treated with bapineuzumab: a retrospective analysis. The Lancet Neurology. 2012 Mar 31;11(3):241-9.