David Jeffrey
Applied Mathematics
University of Western Ontario
David Jeffrey , Ph.D. Cambridge 1974 . David Jeffrey is a Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Western Ontario, Canada.
Research Interest
Microhydrodynamics, Low Reynolds Number Flow, Lubrication
Corless RM, Ding H, Higham NJ, Jeffrey DJ. The solution of S exp (S)= A is not always the Lambert W function of A. InProceedings of the 2007 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation 2007 Jul 29 (pp. 116-121). ACM.
Liang S, Jeffrey DJ, Maza MM. The complete root classification of a parametric polynomial on an interval. InProceedings of the twenty-first international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation 2008 Jul 20 (pp. 189-196). ACM.