Jamie Kramer, Phd
Assistant Professor, Neuroepigenetics,
Department of Biology
University of Western Ontario
Jamie Kramer, PhD Assistant Professor, Neuroepigenetics, of Department of Biology at the University of Western Ontario, Canada.
Research Interest
There are hundreds of evolutionarily conserved proteins involved in the regulation of chromatin structure. My lab takes a systems-biology approach to understand the role of these proteins in the brain. To do this we use the fantastic and highly efficient model organism, Drosophila melanogaster, to analysis genomic and epigenomic processes underlying learning and memory. We also aim to understand more about the contribution of epigenetic regulators to human cognitive disorders, like Intellectual Disability (ID).
Merkling SH, Bronkhorst AW, Kramer JM, Overheul GJ, Schenck A, Van Rij RP. The epigenetic regulator G9a mediates tolerance to RNA virus infection in Drosophila. PLoS pathogens. 2015 Apr 16;11(4):e1004692.
Kramer JM. Regulation of cell differentiation and function by the euchromatin histone methyltranserfases G9a and GLP. Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 2015 Jun 1;94(1):26-32.
Kochinke K, Zweier C, Nijhof B, Fenckova M, Cizek P, Honti F, Keerthikumar S, Oortveld MA, Kleefstra T, Kramer JM, Webber C. Systematic phenomics analysis deconvolutes genes mutated in intellectual disability into biologically coherent modules. The American Journal of Human Genetics. 2016 Jan 7;98(1):149-64.