Luis Hernán Cubillos
Consultant at Egon Zehnder International
Egon Zehnder International Harvard Business School
Egon Zehnder International
Luis Hernán Cubillos is a founding member of Egon Zehnder International Santiago – Chile office. Since 1997 he has focused on top level searches in the country as well as several projects in talent advisory and Corporate Governance. EZI Chile, together with the Chilean pension funds, developed the system to attract professional board members to the companies in which the pension funds invest. Mr. Cubillos has done several projects for the financial services industry, including several banking institutions, insurance companies, investment banks and diversified financial services firms. Prior to joining Egon Zehnder International, Mr. Cubillos was General Manager Iansafrut, Pathfinder Investments; General Manager Pesqueras EicosalEicomar; Chairman, Chilean Salmon Farmers Association, Santiago de Chile; Vice-Chairman, Federation of Food Processors, Santiago de Chile; Product Manager/National Sales Director, Johnson Wax, Santiago de Chile
Research Interest
Business and Management