Miguel Acevedo
Ergonomics & Occupational Health
Mayo College of Medicine
Dr. Miguel Acevedo is a Chilean Physician, who obtained his medical degree at Universidad de Chile, where later also studied Public Health Magister oriented to Epidemiology. Some years later studied Ergonomics, obtaining a Diploma at Universidad de Valparaiso, and a Specialist grade at Inermep (Spain). Served as Medical Director at Puerto Aysén Hospital, located in the southern Chile, and from 1996 put his professional focus on Occupational Health, working as Occupational Health Physician at Instituto de Seguridad del Trabajo. In this role, his main responsability is giving consultancy and advice in preventive health and Ergonomics issues, to a variety of business and clients, in the field, with identification and control of risks factors, developing healthy work environments, and promoting well-being and productivity.
Research Interest