Solange Da Silva Guedes
Exploration &Production
Solange da Silva Guedes is Exploration and Production Director. She joined Petrobras in 1985, in the former Southeast Production Region (RPSE). She has held various managerial positions in Exploration and Production, including that of sector manager for the Marlim Sul Asset Reservoirs of the then Rio de Janeiro Exploration and Production Business Unit (UN-Rio), currently the Rio de Janeiro Exploration and Production Operations Unit (UO-Rio). In 2003, she took over as the Executive Manager for E&P North-Northeast (E&P-NNE), where she remained until 2008, when she was appointed Executive Manager of Production Engineering (E&P-ENGP). In 2013, she was appointed executive manager of E&P-CORP, responsible for the two departments' activities.
Research Interest
Petroleum Engineering Petrochemistry Unitoperations