
Agri and Aquaculture Experts

Marina Gambardella

Department of Fruticulture and Oenology
Pontifical Catholic University


Dr. Marina Gambardella is a Director in Department of Fruticulture and Oenology. She earned a Doctorate from Polytechnic University of Madrid. Spain and Magister from International Center for High Mediterranean Agronomic Studies. Spain. Marina Gambardella research interests are in Genetics and Biotechnology.

Research Interest

 Berries , Plant Genetics


  • Carrillo L., Martinez M., Cambra I., Gambardella M., Smagghe G., Ortego F., Diaz I. 2010. Differential responses of herbivory insect species to protease inhibitors from barley and strawberry. IOBC Bulletin. Doi: 10.1007 / s00299-010-0948-z.

  • Gambardella M., Rios, R., Alballay, E., and Diaz I. 2012. Effect of Strawberry Defense Protein on Nematode Pest. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) 926: 113-117.

  • Sanchez, S., Gambardella, M., Henriquez, JL, Diaz, I. 2013. First Report of Crown Rot of Strawberry Caused by Macrophomina plzaseolina in Chile. Plant Disease 97 (7): 996-996.

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