Nai-hua Chen
Associate Professor
Information Management
Chienkuo Technology University
Education Ph.D. in Department of Computational Science and Informatics, George Mason University M.S. in Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Maryland B.S. in Department of Applied Mathematics, Providence University
Research Interest
Research Interests 1. Soft computation 2. Data mining 3. Numerical Analysis
Nai-Hua Chen* and Yi-Ting Hwang, (2015) “A hierarchical Bayesian model in evaluating Apps downloading frequencyâ€, WSEAS transactions on business and economics, Vol. 11, pp. 242-249. (ISSN: 1109-9526 / E-ISSN: 2224-2899)
Nai-Hua Chen, Chi-Hsun Lee and Chi-Tsun Huang*, (2015) “Why buy organic rice? genetic algorithm-based fuzzy association mining rules for means-end chain dataâ€, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Vol. 39, Iss. 6, pp. 692–707, (SSCI)
1. Nai-Hua Chen, Stephen Chi-Tsun Huang*, (2016), “Domestic Technology Adoption: Comparison of Innovation Adoption Models and Moderators†Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, Vol. 2, Iss.2, pp. 177-190.(SSCI) (NSC: 101-2914-I-270-001-A1)