Lu Shouxiang
State Key Laboratory of Fire Science
China University of Science and Technology
Lu Shouxiang, male, born in August 1962, currently works as a professor and doctoral supervisor at the State Key Laboratory of Fire Science, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). Prof. Lu’s research directions are as follows. Research Direction 1: fire risk assessment and performance-based fire protection design method. Given the difficulties in fire protection design for large public buildings, Prof. Lu attempts to develop the performance-based fire protection design theory with a view to resolving the issue of uncertainties in performance-based fire protection design in order to advance the development of performance-based fire protection design technologies. Faced with the problem of fire supervision and management deficiencies in China’s urbanization process, Prof. Lu also commits himself to the development of fire risk assessment methods to establish fire risk assessment databases so as to enhance the technological development of urban fire protection emergency response system.
Research Interest
marine fire safety. Prof. Lu’s research also focuses on fire dynamics in closed spaces and fire plume dynamics in wind with a view to establishing marine fire safety theory and developing new marine fire protection technologies.
Initial fuel temperature effects on burning rate of pool fire , JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS , 201104 , 2011,188(1-3)
Effects of pool dimension on flame spread of aviation kerosene coating on a metal substrate , International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer , 201505 , 2015,84