Yeguang Li
Wuhan Botanical Garden
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)
He is a professor at Wuhan Botanical Garden.
Research Interest
Production from Haematococcus in open pond by two-stage growth one step process. Aquaculture ,The synthesis of astaxanthin esters, independent of the formation of cysts, highly correlated with the synthesis of fatty acids in Haematococcus pluvailis , Isolation and Characterization of a Mesophilic Arthrospira maxima Strain Capable of Producing Docosahexaenotic Acid.
Hu H J, Li Y G, Yin C T, Ouyang Y X. Isolation and Characterization of a Mesophilic Arthrospira maxima Strain Capable of Producing Docosahexaenotic Acid. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol.2011, 21(7): 697-702
Li Y. G., Li Z. K., Geng Y. H, Hu H. J., Yin C. T., Ouyang Y. X., Gui J. P. Effect of Nã€P Concentration on Growth Rate And Biomass of Phytoplankton in utrophical Waters, Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2006. 26(2): 317-325
LÃVANSKà K., DOUCHA J., Hu H. J., Li Y. G. pCO2 – pH relationships in the medium and CO2 mass balance for open thin-layer Spirulina (Arthrospira) cultures, Archiv Fur Hydrobiology, 2006. 65(3): 365-381