Congbin Fu
Institute of Atmospheric Physics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dr. Congbin Fu is currently working as a Academician in the Department of Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences , China.
Research Interest
1) Has long been engaged in the studies on climate variability and dynamics, including air-sea interaction, air-land interaction, and climate –ecosystem interaction on global and regional scales with particularly the modeling and diagnosis of the variations of monsoon system and its response and feedback to earth system dynamics. 2) Has published about 130 scientific papers, 6 books and more than 10 chapters in co-authored books. 3) Received second prize of important research result awards on "air-sea interaction and short range climate variation", and third prize of natural science awards on "El Nino/Southern Oscillation and Asia monsoon variability" "air-sea energy exchange and very-low frequency oscillation" and "air-land interaction" issued by Chinese Academy of Science, received a special award on international co-operation issued by Dr. .Zhou Peiyuan Foundation, and received the Second Prize of National Natural Science Award issued by Ministry of Science and Technology of P. R. China on "Response of Monsoon climate-ecosystem to global change".
Yan, X.D. C.B. Fu and H.H. Shugart, 2000: Simulating the effect of climate change on Xiaoxing’an Mountain forests. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 24, 327-334.
Fu, C.B. et al, 2001: Regional-global interactions in East Asia, in Chapter 4 of < Regional aspects of global change, START synthesis>Edited by P Tyson et al, p.1-101. Cambridge University Press. In press
Fu, C.B. and Yuan, H.L., 2001: A virtual numerical experiment to understand the impacts of recovering natural vegetation on the summer climate and environmental conditions in East Asia, Chinese Science Bulletin, 46,691-695 ( SCI)