Wei Liang
Institute of Biophysics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Current status: Professor in Pharmaceutical Science and Biophysics Research Associate in Harvard University, Medical School and Northeastern University, Department of Pharmaceutical Science, Boston, MA. 12/2001-10/2003. Postdoctoral fellow in Department of Pharmaceutics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MA 11/2000-11/2001. Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry, 2000. M.S. in Pharmaceutics, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, 1997. B.S. in Pharmacy, Tongji Medical University, 1990. Current status: Professor in Pharmaceutical Science and Biophysics Research Associate in Harvard University, Medical School and Northeastern University, Department of Pharmaceutical Science, Boston, MA. 12/2001-10/2003. Postdoctoral fellow in Department of Pharmaceutics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MA 11/2000-11/2001. Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry, 2000. M.S. in Pharmaceutics, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, 1997. B.S. in Pharmacy, Tongji Medical University, 1990.
Research Interest
Revealing a new mechanism of tumor genesis and progression Proposing a new viewpoint toward chemotherapy for cancer Proposing a new strategy for tumor immunotherapy
Zhang M, Mao X, Wang C, Zeng W, Zhang C, Li Z, Fang Y, Yang Y, Liang W, Wang C. The effect of graphene oxide on conformation change aggregation and cytotoxicity of HIV-1 regultion protein. Biomaterials. 2013, 34(4): 1383-90.