Xiaojing Liu
Center for Agricultural Resources Research
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dr. Xiaojing Liu is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Center for Agricultural Resources Research, University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences , China. Achievements:   The First Grade of Award for Science and Technology Progress of Hebei Province in 2015   The Second Grade of Award for Science and Technology Progress of Hebei Province in 2008   The National Second Grade of Award for Science and Technology Progress in 2003      2015, Zhu-Li Yuehua Excellent Teacher’s Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences   2012, National Excellent Worker of Science and Technology
Research Interest
  Reclamation of saline soils, saline water irrigation, plant eco-physiology of stress tolerance
Kai Guo, Xiaojing Liu. 2014. Dynamics of meltwater quality and quantity during saline ice melting and its effects on the infiltration and desalinization of coastal saline soils. Agricultural Water Management 139:1–6.
Weiqiang Li, M. Ajmal Khan, Shinjiro Yamaguchi, Xiaojing Liu. 2015. Hormonal and environmental regulation of seed germination in salt cress (Thellungiella halophila). Plant Growth Regul, 76:41–49
Kai Guo, Xiaojing Liu. 2015. Infiltration of meltwater from frozen saline water located on the soil can result in reclamation of a coastal saline soil. Irrig Sci. 33( 6), 441-452