Chen. Chih-yuan
Assistant Professor
Chinese Culture University
Chen. Chih-Yuan received his education from National Institute of Geography and Environmental Resources, National Taiwan University. Currently, he is the Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography of Chinese Culture University.
Research Interest
Cyberinfrastructure, Geographic information Science, Neural Network, Geovisualization
Chih-Yuan Chen, Tzu-Hao Chu, and Meng-Lung Lin 2011 Applica]ons of Geovisualiza]on Techniques in Spa]al Knowledge Discovery of Traffic Flow Data. Journal of Geographical Science 62, 1-18
Juebo Wu, Chen-Chieh Feng, Chih-Yuan Chen 2012 A Flexible Data Integra]on Framework Using Ontology Similarity. Journal of Computa'onal Informa'on Systems 8(21), 8819-8826
Chen-Chieh Feng, Yi-Chen Wang, Chih-Yuan Chen* 2014 Combining Geo-SOM and Hierarchical Clustering to Explore Geospa]al Data. Transac'on in GIS 18(1), 125 -146