Shi Meiyun
School of Life Science & Medicine
Dalian University of Technology
Shi Meiyun is a Lecturer of Life and Medicine College of Dalian University of Technology, China.
Research Interest
Clinical preclinical / clinical pharmacokinetic study, Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry in Drug and Clinical Analysis
Yin L, Shi M, Sun Y, Sun X, Meng H, et al. (2013) A Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass spectrometric Method for The Simultaneous Quantitation of Five Components of Ixeris sonchifoliain (Bge.) Hance in RAT Plasma and ITS file application to A Pharmacokinetic Study. J Chromatography B 931: 12-16.
Shi M, Yang Y, Sun Y, Cheng L, Zhao S, et al. (2014) Pharmacokinetic study of calenduloside E and its active metabolite oleanolic acid in beagle dog using liquid chromatography -tandem mass spectrometry. J chromatography B 951-952: 129-134.
Shi M, Yang Y, Zhou X, Cai L, Fang C, et al. (2015) Determination of thymopentin in beagle dog blood by liquid chromatography with Mass Spectrometry and file application ITS Tandem to preclinical Pharmacokinetic Study A. J Separation Sci 38: 1351-1357.