Wang Feng Jie
Crop Science
Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University
In recent years, research mainly focused on (a) economic crops (tobacco, medicines) standardized cultivation techniques, allelopathic autotoxicity continuous cropping obstacles and its abatement strategies; (b) curing, grading and processing modulation theory and technology of tobacco. Fujian Provincial Natural Science Foundation has undertaken, research projects related areas of Fujian Province Department of Education university projects, projects in Fujian Province and Chongqing Tobacco Company Tobacco science and technology projects, more than 10 items. The past five years has co-authored research areas associated with more than 20 papers.
Research Interest
Curing, processing of Tobacco; Physiological ecology in economic crops (tobacco, medicines); Cultivation and Farming in economic crops (tobacco, medicines).
Pan Feng,Wang Fengji(Corresponding Author), Gao Wenxia, Jiang Hao. Effects of Chicken Manure Organic Fertilizer on Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco. Jiangxi Agricultural Sciences, 2008,20(5):6-8
Wang Fengji, Gao Wenxia, Jiang Hao. Analysis of Influential Factors of Starch Content in Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves. Jiangxi Agriculture and Forestry University, 2007,29(S):22-28
Wang Fengji, Jiang Hao. Selecting Chemicals That Reducing Nicotine Content of Flue-cured Tobacco. Shanxi Agriculture and Forestry University (Natural Science), 2007,27(3):262-266
Wang Fengji, Chen Chaoyang, Gao Wen-xia, Jiang Hao, Lin Yanquan. Mechanism of exogenous chemicals regulating nicotine biosynthesis â… . Effect of exogenous chemicals on the intermediate products in nicotine biosynthesis. Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (Natural Science), 2006,35(1):11-16
Wang Feng-ji, Chen Chaoyang, Jiang Hao. Studies on leaf maturity of Yunyan 85, a variety of flue-cured tobacco Ⅱ. Relationship between maturity and endogenous protective enzyme activities, cell membrane-lipid peroxidation. Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (Natural Science), 2003,32(2):162-166