Rui-rui Wang
Associate Professor
Molecule Immunopharmcology
Kunming Institute of Zoology
Rui-Rui Wang has done his PhD, Currently he is working as Assistant Professor in Molecule Immunopharmcology in Kunming Institute of Zoology. His research interests are Study anti-HIV activities and mechanisms of compounds, Establish non-human primate model for studying the immunopathogenic mechanism of HIV/AIDS, MHC genetics research in primates of China, Study the restriction mechanism of antiviral restriction factors TRIM5α and TRIMCyp to HIV-1 infection, HIV cross-border spread in Mekong River region, including molecular epidemiology and HIV resistance. Several papers of his work were published in reputed International journals.
Research Interest
Study anti-HIV activities and mechanisms of compounds, Establish non-human primate model for studying the immunopathogenic mechanism of HIV/AIDS, MHC genetics research in primates of China, Study the restriction mechanism of antiviral restriction factors TRIM5α and TRIMCyp to HIV-1 infection, HIV cross-border spread in Mekong River region, including molecular epidemiology and HIV resistance
Wang RR, Gu Q, Wang YH, Zhang XM, Yang LM, Zhou J, Chen JJ, Zheng YT. Anti-HIV-1 activities of compounds isolated from the medicinal plant Rhus chinensis. Journal of ethnopharmacology. 2008 May 8;117(2):249-56.
Liu JF, Jiang ZY, Wang RR, Zheng YT, Chen JJ, Zhang XM, Ma YB. Isatisine A, a novel alkaloid with an unprecedented skeleton from leaves of Isatis indigotica. Organic letters. 2007 Oct 11;9(21):4127-9.
Xiao WL, Zhu HJ, Shen YH, Li RT, Li SH, Sun HD, Zheng YT, Wang RR, Lu Y, Wang C, Zheng QT. Lancifodilactone G: A Unique Nortriterpenoid Isolated from Schisandra l ancifolia and Its Anti-HIV Activity. Organic letters. 2005 May 26;7(11):2145-8.