Gao Xuewen
Nanjing Agricultural University
Gao Xuewen, PhD, Professor, PhD supervisor, Phytopathology. Nanjing Agricultural University Plant Protection College Vice President, executive director of Jiangsu Provincial Plant Pathology Society, Chinese Plant Pathology Association Eighth Board of Directors of the Phytosanitary Commission, "Chinese Journal of Biological Control" third editorial board member, education Ministry teachs the agrochemical sub-committee secretary. Her research interests include biological control of plant diseases and molecular plant pathology. He has presided over a number of research projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National 863 Project, the International Science and Technology Cooperation Project Gao Xuewen, PhD, Professor, PhD supervisor, Phytopathology. Nanjing Agricultural University Plant Protection College Vice President, executive director of Jiangsu Provincial Plant Pathology Society, Chinese Plant Pathology Association Eighth Board of Directors of the Phytosanitary Commission, "Chinese Journal of Biological Control" third editorial board member, education Ministry teachs the agrochemical sub-committee secretary. Her research interests include biological control of plant diseases and molecular plant pathology. He has presided over a number of research projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National 863 Project, the International Science and Technology Cooperation Project
Research Interest
Shengfeng Gao, Huijun Wu, Weiduo Wang, Yang Yang, Shanshan Xie, Yongli Xie and Xuewen Gao *. Efficient colonization and harpins mediated enhancement in growth and biocontrol of wilt disease in tomato by Bacillus subtilis, 2013, Letters in Applied Microbiology, doi: 10.1111 / lam.12144 (SCI IF: 1.622)
Peipei Guo, Yu Wang, Xiaohui Zhou, Yongli Xie, Huijun Wu, Xuewen Gao *. Expression of soybean lectin in transgenic tobacco results in enhanced resistance to pathogens and pests. Plant Science, 2013, 211: 17-22 : 2.945)