Weibo X
Department of Endocrinology
Peking Union Medical College
Dr. Weibo Xia is affiliated to Department of Endocrinology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, where Dr. Weibo Xia is currently working as Professor. Dr. Weibo Xia has authored and co-authored several national and international publications and also working as a reviewer for reputed professional journals. Dr. Weibo Xia is having an active association with different societies and academies around the world. Dr. Weibo Xia made his mark in the scientific community with the contributions and widely recognition from honourable subject experts around the world. Dr. Weibo Xia has received several awards for the contributions to the scientific community. Dr. Weibo Xia major research interest involves Medicine.
Research Interest
"DU J, Pang QQ, Jiang Y, Wang O, Li M, Xing XP, Xia WB. [Clinical features of hereditary distal renal tubular acidosis and SLC4A1 gene mutation]. Zhongguo Dang Dai Er Ke Za Zhi. 2017 Apr;19(4):381-384."
" Cui L, Chen L, Xia W, Jiang Y, Cui L, Huang W, Wang W, Wang X, Pei Y, Zheng X, Wang Q, Ning Z, Li M, Wang O, Xing X, Lin Q, Yu W, Weng X, Xu L, Cummings SR. Vertebral fracture in postmenopausal Chinese women: a population-based study. Osteoporos Int. 2017 May 30."
"Hou Y, Lin Y, Qi X, Yuan L, Liao R, Pang Q, Cui L, Jiang Y, Wang O, Li M, Dong J, Xia W. Identification of mutations in the prostaglandin transporter gene SLCO2A1 and phenotypic comparison between two subtypes of primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy (PHO): A single-center study. Bone. 2018 Jan;106:96-102."