
Business & Management Experts

Yu Yang

Associate Professor、PI
Entrepreneurship and Management
Shanghai Tech University


Yu Yang is currently an Associate Professor、PI at the School of Entrepreneurship and Management, ShanghaiTech University. Prior to joining ShanghaiTech in September 2015, he obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California, and taught as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University and as an Assistant Professor at the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS).

Research Interest

Dr. Yang is interested in examining basic principles of personality and social psychology and applying such principles to business and organizational settings. His ongoing work investigates the ways in which people perceive, compete, collaborate, and negotiate with individuals from other cultures. Dr. Yang’s research has appeared in academic journals such as Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Psychological Review, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Personality, Journal of Research in Personality, Social and Personality Psychology Compass, and Asian Journal of Social Psychology. He has served as guest editor and editorial board member of Chinese Social Psychological Review, ad hoc reviewer for Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Personality, Journal of Research in Personality, Behavior Research Methods, PLoS ONE, Management and Organization Review, and reviewer for the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation. His research has been covered by The Financial Times (UK), Harvard Business Review (USA), and SINA Finance (China).


  • Yang, Y., Read, S. J., & Miller, L. C. (2009). The concept of situations. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 3, 1018-1037.

  • Read, S. J., Monroe, B. M., Brownstein, A. L., Yang, Y., Chopra, G., & Miller, L. C. (2010). A neural network model of the structure and dynamics of human personality. Psychological Review, 117, 61-92.

  • Yang, Y., Read, S. J., Denson, T. F., Xu, Y., Zhang, J., & Pedersen, W. C. (2014). The key ingredients of personality traits: Situations, behaviors, and explanations. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40, 79-91.

  • Guillaume, E., Baranski, E., Todd, E., … Yang, Y., & Funder, D. C. (in press). The world at 7:00: Comparing the experience of situations across 20 countries. Journal of Personality.

  • Yang, Y., De Cremer, D., & Wang, C. (in press). How ethically would Americans and Chinese negotiate? The effect of intra-cultural versus inter-cultural negotiations. Journal of Business Ethics.

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