Tian Shikai
University of Science and Technology of China
Shikai is presently working as a Professor for the department of Chemistry at University of science and technology, china.
Research Interest
Discovery of novel organic reactions and its application in synthesis of natural products
Catalytic decarboxylative alkylation of beta-keto acids with sulfonamides via the cleavage of carbon-nitrogen and carbon-carbon bonds Author(s): Yang, Cui-Feng; Wang, Jian-Yong; Tian, Shi-Kai Source: Chemical Communications Volume: 47 Issue: 29 Pages: 8343-8345 Published: 2011
Catalytic Asymmetric Pictet-Spengler-Type Reaction for the Synthesis of Optically Active Indolo 3,4-cd 1 benzazepines Author(s): Cheng, Dao-Juan; Wu, Hai-Bian; Tian, Shi-Kai Source: Organic Letters Volume: 13 Issue: 20 Pages: 5636-5639 Published: 2011
Catalytic Asymmetric alpha-Alkylation of Ketones and Aldehydes with N-Benzylic Sulfonamides through Carbon-Nitrogen Bond Cleavage Author(s): Weng, Zhen-Tao; Li, Yuan; Tian, Shi-Kai Source: Journal of Organic Chemistry Volume: 76 Issue: 19 Pages: 8095-8099 Published: 2011