Wang Xiaoli
Institute of very large scale integrated (VLSI) design
Xian Jiaotong Univeristy
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi province, P.R.China â–º 2010.11. - present Executive Deputy Secretary of Xi’an Jiaotong University’s CPC Committee â–º 2009.1 - 2010.11. Deputy Secretary of Xi’an Jiaotong University’s CPC Committee â–º 2006.1. - 2009.1. Vice President-level leader â–º 2005.1. - 2006.3. Director of Asset Management Department â–º 2001.9. - 2006.3. Director of Development planning and Key Building Office â–º 2001.9. - 2003.4. Vice Dean of Graduate School â–º 1999.5. - present Director of research center of VLSI designing â–º 1998.4. - 1999.9. Director of Radio and TV and Modern Education Technology Center â–º 1996.6. - present Professor & PhD supervisor â–º 1992.11. - 1996.6. Associate Professor â–º 1987.9. - 1992.11. Assistant Professor â–º 1992.10. - 1995.1. Vice Director of Physics Department â–º 1988.9. - 1997.11. Director of section of Physics teaching and research Xinjiang University, Urumchi, Vygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang, P.R.China â–º 2006.1. to 2009.1. Vice President University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Electronic Engineering, Dallas, TX, USA â–º 2000 to 2001 Visiting Professor of Electronic Engineering University of North Carolina at Charlotter, Department of Electronic Engineering, Charlotter, NC,USA â–º 1995 to 1997 Visiting Professor of Electronic Engineering
Research Interest
â–º VLSI design and SOC design â–º ASIC design â–º Circuits Design and Simulation â–º Optics and Optical Fiber Communications