Pedro Vargas Navarro
Universal Biofuels Private Limited
The findings confirmed what has been mentioned by various authors regar- ding the characteristics of the family typology structure and personal factors in patients with addictions, in addition to their need for affection combined with the desire for the mother’s presence. The family typology does not determine for itself the abuse of psy-choactive substances, but the influence of other factors such as family structure, especially deficient affective interactions, which should be considered in the development of thera- peutic strategies. The findings confirmed what has been mentioned by various authors regar- ding the characteristics of the family typology structure and personal factors in patients with addictions, in addition to their need for affection combined with the desire for the mother’s presence. The family typology does not determine for itself the abuse of psy-choactive substances, but the influence of other factors such as family structure, especially deficient affective interactions, which should be considered in the development of thera- peutic strategies.
Research Interest
Structure and family type in patients with substance abuse or dependence psychoactive rehabilitation center of addiction in the municipality of chia cundinamarca