Social & Political Sciences

Social & Political Sciences Experts

Luis Javier Orjuela

Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
University of Los Andes


Luis Javier Orjuela is an associate professor at University of Los Andes. He received his Master degree in Political Science from Florida International University.

Research Interest

Social science


  • Orjuela L. (2003) The Contemporary Transformations of the Political and its Legitimacy Problems. International Journal of Political Philosophy (ISSN 1132-9432) 22 (22), pp. 15-30.

  • Orjuela L. (2007) The complex and ambiguous repolitization of Latin America. Colombia International (ISSN 0121-5612) 1 (1), pp. 10-35.

  • Orjuela L. (2015) Uribe versus Santos: from personal confrontation to ideological differentiation. Journal of Social Studies (ISSN 0123-885X) 52 (-), pp. 201-207.

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