
Engineering Experts

Mario Castillo

Industrial Engineering
University of Los Andes


Master of Management (1999), Tulane University. D.E.A. en Análisis y Probabilidad (1980), Univertité de Rennes. Matemático (1975), Universidad de los Andes. Mario Castillo is a full professor of the Department of Industrial Engineering in these areas: Applied Mathematical Modeling, Decision Analysis, Risk Assessment and Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Mario is a consultant and business advisor in Decision Analysis, Risk Assessment, Financial Risk Assessment and Statistical Analysis. Director of the Institutional Development Plan (PDI), Project Formulation 2016-2020, University of Los Andes, January – December 2015.

Research Interest

Development of methodologies and mathematical model for the analysis and evaluation of strategic decisions in companies. Application of these models and methodologies to solve real problems that involve risk and uncertainty in companies. Specifically, decision problem structuring and analysis that involve risk in the oil industry. Development of methodologies and mathematical models for the analysis and evaluation of decision making in health. Specifically, models for diseases diagnosis, and models for the comparison of treatments using cost-effectiveness and cost-utility methodology.

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