
Engineering Experts

Roberto Zarama

Department Of Industrial Engineering
University of Los Andes


Professor Zarama has been a tenured professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering at the Universidad de los Andes since 1998. He was Director of the department (2001-2013). He is a fellow of the IISE and member of other professional organizations.

Research Interest

Development of mathematical models and computer simulations of complexity


  • Jimenez, A., Bocarejo, J. P., Zarama, R., Yerpez, J. (2015). A case study analysis to examine motorcycle crashes in Bogota, Colombia. Journal of Safety Research. 52: 29-38. . DOI: 10.1016/j.jsr.2014.12.005

  • Villalobos, J; Munoz, V; Rogan, J; Zarama, R; Penagos, JF; Toledo, B; Valdivia, JA. Modeling a bus through a sequence of traffic lights. Chaos. 25 (7). DOI: 10.1063/1.4926669

  • Medina, P; Goles, E; Zarama, R; Rica, S. Self-Organized Societies: On the Sakoda Model of Social Interactions. Complexity, Article: 3548591. DOI: 10.1155/2017/3548591

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