Bioinformatics & Systems Biology

Bioinformatics & Systems Biology Experts

Alice Ke

Bioinformatics & Systems Biology


Alice Ke obtained her PhD in pharmaceutics from the University of Washington, Seattle, where her research was focused on the assessment of fetal and CNS drug distribution using clinical imaging techniques. She then accepted an ORISE fellowship in the Office of Clinical Pharmacology at the FDA, where she developed and validated PBPK and population PK models to support dose adjustment for pregnant women. After completing her fellowship, Dr. Ke was a research scientist in the Department of Drug Disposition and PK/PD at Lilly Research Laboratories, where she applied population PK and PBPK modeling & simulation techniques to provide model-based advice on the design of clinical pharmacology studies. Currently, Dr. Alice Ke is a Consultant and Scientific Advisor at Certara (formerly Simcyp). Her research interests continue to center around the applications of PBPK and PK/PD modeling to predicting complex drug interactions and PK/PD in special populations.

Research Interest

Bioinformatics & Systems Biology Alice Ke obtained her PhD in pharmaceutics from the University of Washington, Seattle, where her research was focused on the assessment of fetal and CNS drug distribution using clinical imaging techniques. She then accepted an ORISE fellowship in the Office of Clinical Pharmacology at the FDA, where she developed and validated PBPK and population PK models to support dose adjustment for pregnant women. After completing her fellowship, Dr. Ke was a research scientist in the Department of Drug Disposition and PK/PD at Lilly Research Laboratories, where she applied population PK and PBPK modeling & simulation techniques to provide model-based advice on the design of clinical pharmacology studies. Currently, Dr. Alice Ke is a Consultant and Scientific Advisor at Certara (formerly Simcyp). Her research interests continue to center around the applications of PBPK and PK/PD modeling to predicting complex drug interactions and PK/PD in special populations.

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