
Biochemistry Experts

Ana Tomašić Paić

Higher expert assistant
Division of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
Rudjer Boskovic Institute


Education 2015 postdoctoral researcher on ESF (European Social Fund) project "Strengthening capacity in medicinal chemistry and the study of bioactive systems", Laboratory for Study of Interactions of Biomacromolecules, Institute Rudjer Boskovic 2013 Senior Research Associate in the field of Molecular Biotechnology, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb (Croatia) 2011 Research Associate in the field of Molecular Biotechnology, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb (Croatia) 2010 PhD thesis : "The Role of proteins TLP40 and TROL in the regulatory mechanisms of oxygenic photosynthesis" (mentor: Prof Dr Hrvoje Fulgosi, Institute Rudjer Boskovic) 2006-2015 Laboratory for electronic microscopy (Institute Rudjer Boskovic, Zagreb) 2004-2006 Laboratory for chemical biology (Institute Rudjer Boskovic, Zagreb) 2002-2004 Doctoral studies in Nutrition (Food toxicology), Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb (Croatia) 2002 Master of Biotechnology Thesis : "Interaction between Dodecylammonium Chloride and i-Carrageenan" (thesis was performed at the Institute Rudjer Boskovic) Master’s degree studies in Biotechnology, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb (Croatia)

Research Interest



  • Juric, S., Hazler-Pilepic, K., Tomasic, A., Lepedus, H., Jelicic, B., Puthiyaveetil, S., Bionda, T., Vojta, L., Allen, J. F., Schleiff, E., Fulgosi, H. (2009) Tethering of ferredoxin:NADP+ oxidoreductase to thylakoid membranes is mediated by novel chloroplast protein TROL.PlantJ. 60(5): 783-794.

  • Lepedus, H., Tomasic, A., Juric, S., Katanic, Z., Cesar, V., Fulgosi, H. (2009) Photochemistry of PSII in CYP38 Arabidopsis thaliana Mutant.Food Technol. Biotechnol47(3): 275-280.

  • Puthiyaveetil, S., Ibrahim, I. M, Jelicic, B., Tomasic, A., Fulgosi, H., Allen, J. F. (2010) Transcriptional control of photosynthesis genes: the evolutionarily conserved regulatory mechanism in plastid genome function.Genome biology and evolution. 2; 888-896.

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