
Physics Experts

Larisa Jonke

Division of Theoretical Physics
Rudjer Boskovic Institute


Larisa Jonke currently working at Rudjer Boskovic Institute in Division of Theoretical Physics.

Research Interest

Theoretical Physics


  • A. Chatzistavrakidis, A. Deser, L. Jonke, „T-duality without isometry via extended gauge symmetries of 2D sigma models”, J. High Energy Phys. 01 (2016) 154.

  • A. Chatzistavrakidis, A. Deser, L. Jonke, T. Strobl, „ Beyond the standard gauging: gauge symmetries of Dirac Sigma Models”, J. High Energy Phys. 08 (2016) 172.

  • A. Chatzistavrakidis, A. Deser, L. Jonke, T. Strobl, „Strings in Singular Space-Times and their Universal Gauge Theory”, arXiv:1608.03250

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