Larisa Jonke
Division of Theoretical Physics
Rudjer Boskovic Institute
Larisa Jonke currently working at Rudjer Boskovic Institute in Division of Theoretical Physics.
Research Interest
Theoretical Physics
A. Chatzistavrakidis, A. Deser, L. Jonke, „T-duality without isometry via extended gauge symmetries of 2D sigma modelsâ€, J. High Energy Phys. 01 (2016) 154.
A. Chatzistavrakidis, A. Deser, L. Jonke, T. Strobl, „ Beyond the standard gauging: gauge symmetries of Dirac Sigma Modelsâ€, J. High Energy Phys. 08 (2016) 172.
A. Chatzistavrakidis, A. Deser, L. Jonke, T. Strobl, „Strings in Singular Space-Times and their Universal Gauge Theoryâ€, arXiv:1608.03250