Agri and Aquaculture

Agri and Aquaculture Experts

Velimir Sušić

Full professor
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University of Zagreb


Prof. dr. sc. Velimir Sušić was born on April 25, 1959 in Zagreb. After graduating from elementary and high school, in the academic year 1977/78, he enrolled at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Zagreb, where he graduated in 1983. He worked for a short time as a trainee at the Department of Pathology of Poultry in Breeding and Production at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Zagreb, and then as a veterinarian in Vrbovec PIK. In May 1985, dr. Sc. Velimir Sušić was elected as Assistant at the Veterinary Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Zagreb, where he is currently employed. Academic year 1985/86. he enrolled in postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Zagreb - the direction of molecular biology. The apprentice was in 1989. gained a master's degree in science, defending a master's thesis under the title "Frequency of genes that determine the severity of serum transferin in sheep and connection with production characteristics". The title of scientific assistant for the veterinary field was chosen in 1990, and in the same year it was also entered in the register of the researcher under the registered number 171173. The candidate defended the Ph.D. dissertation titled "Variability in body structure and production of sheep milk with genetically different hemoglobin types". In November 1993, she gained an academic degree in veterinary medicine. In 1997 he was appointed Senior Assistant, a year later as Assistant Professor, and in 2001 as Associate Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Zagreb. By the decision of the Biomedicine and Health Care Committee - a field of veterinary medicine, on 10 October 2005, the scientific title of Scientific Advisor was elected. Based on this and the positive opinion of the expert commission, the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine elected him and the Senate of the University in Zagreb on December 13, 2005 confirmed the scientific-teaching title of regular professor. Full Professor in Full Professor Dr. sc. Velimir Sušić was elected in 2010. As a guest-researcher, Dr. Sc. In 1990, Velimir Sušić was trained in training at the Bayerische Landesanstalt für Tierzucht, Grub-München (Department of Sheep and Small Animals). He successfully completed the "Training Course on Molecular Methods in Livestock Genetics and Breeding" organized by the FAO / IAEA in Seibersdorf, Austria, in 2004. Dr. Sc. In 2001-2002 Velimir Sušić led a research project with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Croatia. During 2002-2007 he was the main researcher on the scientific project "Seasonal variation in the reproduction of sheep merinolandschaf breeds" and from 2007 until today, with the support of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, a project entitled "Seasonality of Breeding and Lamb sheep in Croatia ". As an associate he participated in one international and seven domestic scientific projects. Dr. Sc. Velimir Sušić performed the functions of the president and vice-chair of the scientific committee of 2nd and 3rd Croatian Veterinary Congress, was a member of several commissions of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and of the State Council for the program for the implementation of breeding selection in sheep and goat breeding. He is an active member of professional associations, assistant editor in a single scientific journal and member of the editorial board in three scientific journals. He has also performed numerous functions at the Veterinary Faculty and the University of Zagreb, among which are the head of the Department of Livestock, Assistant Dean, Qualified Teacher and Quality Controller, a member of the Senate and the Council of Biomedical Area, and in the period from 2007 to 2010 Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine .

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