France Nico
Department of Biotechnology and Biosciences
Biotec Pharmacon
2013- Member of the Board of Directors of the University of Milano-Bicocca 2009-2012 Dean of the Faculty of Sciences 2002-2008 Head of the Department of Biotechnology and Biosciences 2000 Full professor of Organic Chemistry, University of Milano-Bicocca 1987 Associated professor, University of Milano 1985 Postdoctoral research associate, Prof. Pierre Sinay University of Orleans 1981 Assistant professor, University of Milano 1973 Laurea "cum lode" University of Catania Award for innovation in research of the Italian Chemical Society in 2011 Award for Research in Carbohydrate Chemistry (Medaglia Berti) in 2012 International appointments 2006- Chairman del subcommittee of Biotechnology of IUPAC 2011- Titular Member of the IUPAC Division of Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 2002- Italian representative in the International Carbohydrate Organisation Evaluator for many international agencies, including the European Community.
Research Interest
Glycomics Nanoparticles Biomaterials Molecular recognition