Andreas Soteriou
Department of Business and Public Administration
Cyprus University of Technology
Andreas Soteriou is Professor of Operations Management at the Department of Public and Business Administration of the University of Cyprus. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Business Administration, from the University of Southern California, where he also taught before joining the University of Cyprus in 1995. His research interests include: service management and the improvement of service operations, quality improvement in services and manufacturing, customer satisfaction measurement and improvement, and service efficiency and effectiveness. His work has been published in many books and international journals such as: Management Science, Journal of Operations Management, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Decision Sciences, Production and Operations Management and others. He received a number of international awards. According to a recent journal productivity study (Smith et al., 2007, Production and Operations Management, 16(6), 780-790) he was tied 11th overall worldwide in individual author contributions in premier journals (Management Science, Operations Research, Journal of Operations Management, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management and Production and Operations Management) in the field of Service Operations Management, during the period 1990-2006. He is Regional Editor (Mediterranean, Middle-East and Asia) of the scientific journal Operations Management Research. He has also served as Associate Editor of the flagship journal Management Science (2006-2008) and he is in the editorial review boards of many journals. He also served as a member of the Governance Board of European Operations Management Association (EurOMA). He has served as a Vice Chair (2004-2006) and Chair (2006-2008) of the Department of Public and Business Administration and he is Co-Director of the MBA Program since 2006.
Research Interest
Management of Service Operations, Production and Operations Management Quality and Productivity in Services and Manufacturing, Empirical Research Methods
Hadjicostas, P. and A. C. Soteriou, 2010, “Different Orders of One-Sided Elasticties in Multi-output Production,†Journal of Productivity Analysis, 33, 147-167.
Hadjinicola G.C. and Soteriou A.C., 2012, “The Effect of Yield Variability on the Decision to Improve the Performance of Multi-Stage Production Systems,†Operations Management Research, Vol. 5, pp.3-13.
Voss C., Soteriou A.C., Hadjinicola G.C., and Theoharakis V., 2013, “The Diversity of the POM Field as Reflected in the Evaluation of its Journals,†forthcoming in International Journal of Logistics and Transport, Vol. 6, pp. xxx-xxx.