
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Anna Panayotou- Triantaphyllopoulou:

Department of Classics and Philosophy
Cyprus University of Technology


Undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Letters, University of Athens, Greece (BA in History and Archaeology 1978) Undergraduate studies at the Panteion University of Athens (BA in Political Studies 1983). Graduate studies at the University of Thessaloniki, Greece, in Linguistics, Ancient and Modern Greek Literature, Sanscrit, Ethnography (1978-1980) Graduate studies at the University of Nancy II, France, in General and Applied Linguistics, Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Ancient Greek Literature, Ancient Greek History, Archaeology (1984-1989); DEA in Ancient Greek Dialectology, Epigraphy and Archaeology (1985); PhD in “Langues et littératures anciennes” (Ancient Languages and Literatures) (1990). Title of thesis: La langue des inscriptions grecques de Macédoine (IVe s. a.C.-VIIe s. p.C.). Phonétique-Phonologie, Morphologie). Supervisor: Professor Cl. Brixhe. ACADEMIC EMPLOYEMENT • 1981-1994: Centre of Greek and Roman Antiquity of the National Research Foundation. • University of Cyprus 1993–: Assistant Professor (1993-1995), Associate Professor (1995-2007), Professor 2007–

Research Interest

The syllabic scripts and alphabets of Eastern Mediterranean Ancient Greek dialects Koiné Greek Epigraphy of Macedonia, Asia Minor and Cyprus Ancient, Medieval and Modern Cypriot dialect Sociolinguistics Electronic lexicography


  • PANAYOTOU – TRIANTAPHYLLOPOULOU A., “Ἄγγελος en grec chypriote”, in: Ángel Martínez Fernández, Begoña Ortega Villaro, Henar Velasco López, Henar Zamora Salamanca (eds.), ÁGALMA. Ofrenda desde la Filología Clásica a Manuel García Teijeiro, ediciones Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid 2014, 227-235.

  • PANAYOTOU – TRIANTAPHYLLOPOULOU A.., «Arcado-Cypriot», in: G. K. Giannakis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics, Leiden – Boston: BRILL 2014, vol. 1, 154-158.

  • PANAYOTOU – TRIANTAPHYLLOPOULOU A., «Cypriot», in: G. K. Giannakis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics, Leiden – Boston: BRILL, 2014, vol. 1, 401-404.

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