Constantinos Kontoghiorghes
Assistant Professor
Department of Hotel and Tourism Management
Cyprus University of Technology
Constantine Kontoghiorghes is currently teaching Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior related coursework at the Cyprus University of Technology in the Department of Hotel and Tourism Management. He received his Ph.D. from Georgia State University and his Masters and Bachelor degrees from The Ohio State University. Before joining the Cyprus University of Technology, Constantine was the director of the MSc in Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior program at the Cyprus International Institute of Management (CIIM). At CIIM, Constantine was also responsible for the HRM related curriculum of the MBA program. Prior to his service at CIIM, Constantine was a faculty member at Oakland University in the United States. Constantine is also a former electrical engineer with experience in the private industry in the United States.
Research Interest
His current research work focuses on the design of high performance work systems with particular emphasis on organizational competitiveness, talent management, employee commitment and motivation, change management, creating the innovative organization, quality and productivity improvement, technology management, training effectiveness, and creating the learning organization.
C Kontoghiorghes(2001) A holistic approach toward motivation to learn in the workplace. Performance Improvement Quarterly 14: 45-59.
C Kontoghiorghes (2004) Reconceptualizing the learning transfer conceptual framework: Empirical validation of a new systemic model. International journal of training and development 8: 210-221.
C Kontoghiorghes, SM Awbre, PL Feurig (2005) Examining the relationship between learning organization characteristics and change adaptation, innovation, and organizational performance. Human resource development quarterly 16: 185-212.