Evripidou Paraskevas
Department of Computer Science,
Cyprus University of Technology
Undergraduate studies at the Higher Technical Institute, Cyprus (H.N.D. in Electrical Engineering, 1981) and University of Southern California, USA (B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, 1985). Graduate studies at the University of Southern California USA (M.Sc., 1986 and Ph.D., 1990, both in Computer Engineering). He has taught at the University of Southern California, USA (part-time faculty, 1989-1990) and at the Southern Methodist University, USA (Assistant Professor, 1990-1994). He has been the Program Co-Chair for the 8th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (2001) and the Program Chair for the 3rd South Eastern European Conference on E-Commerce (2002).
Research Interest
His research interests include Parallel Processing and Computer Architecture, Data Flow Systems, Functional Programming and Parallelizing Compilers, and Electronic Commerce.
P. Evripidou.2000, Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, Part I. Guest Editor for the special issue of the International Journal of Parallel Programming, Vol 28, No 6,
P. Evripidou.2001,Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, Part II. Guest Editor for the special issue of the International Journal of Parallel Programming, Vol 29, No 1
Y. Manolopoulos, P. Evripidou and A.C. Kakas.2003 Advances in Informatics, LNCS Volume 2563, Springer Verlarg