Georgios Papasavvas
Department of History and Archaeology
Cyprus University of Technology
Undergraduate studies in Prehistoric and Classical Archaeology at the University of Ioannina. Postgraduate studies at the University of Wurzburg, Germany. PhD at the University of Athens on ancient Cypriot and Cretan bronzeworking. He has excavated at the Sanctuary of Zeus at Dodona, at the settlement and cemetery of Xombourgo on Tenos and at the Sanctuary of Hermes and Aphrodite at Syme Viannou, Crete. He has worked for the Archaeological Service at Athens (1998-2000).
Research Interest
His research interests include: Metalworking of the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages. The relations between the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean, during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages. Greek sanctuaries and cults. Sculpture in stone and bronze of the Archaic and Classical periods.
G. Papasavvas, “Intimate prayers: Concealed inscriptions in diptychs offered in Cypriot and Aegean sanctuariesâ€. In D. Michaelides (ed.), Acts of the International Conference in honour of Dr. Ino Nikolaou “Epigraphy, Numismatic, Prosopography and History of Cyprusâ€. Nicosia, 24-25 Nov. 2007 (forthcoming).
G. Papasavvas, “Cypriot metalwork of the Late Bronze Ageâ€. International Conference “Un millenaire d’histoire et d’archeologie chypriotes (1600-600 av. J.-C.)â€. University of Milan (IULM) and La Sapienza, Roma. Milan, 18 -19 October 2012. PASIPHAE 2013 (forthcoming).
G. Papasavvas, “Cypriot Late Bronze Age metalworkâ€. International Conference “Introduction to the Archaeometallurgy of Cyprusâ€. Nicosia, 7-11 May 2012 (forthcoming).