Giannis Christidis
Special Educational Staff
Department of Communication and Internet Studies.
Cyprus University of Technology
Giannis Christidis holds a degree in Cultural Technology and Communication from the University of the Aegean , holds a postgraduate diploma in Sound Design, from the University of Edinburgh, and holds a PhD in Sociological Anthropology of Sound from the Cyprus University of Technology. His research activity is placed in the cognitive field of the anthropology of sound, and the way in which man perceives him in space. The research programs in which he participates are basically related to the sound culture, while he also deals with music-center studies.
Research Interest
Relationship between image and sound, Sound studies, Sound Culture - Musical Subcultures.
Christidis Y, Quinton M (2016) Exploring the Urban Mediterranean Soundscapes in Cyprus and Malta: A comparative study, Interference Spring Issue: 103-120.
Christidis Y(2015) Listening to the Place of Cyprus: Everyday acoustic experience in an intercultural island. International Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences 3: 84-90.