Gregoriou Zelia
Department of Education
Cyprus University of Technology
Zelia Gregoriou holds a PhD in Philosophy of Education, University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, MA in Philosophy of Education, MA minor in Gender Studies and postgraduate diploma in Criticism and Interpretive Theory She has taught at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, at Georgia Southern University, at the University of Nicosia (Director of the Educational Studies Program) and, since 2000, she is teaching at the University of Cyprus, Department of Education. Her teaching covers subjects of critical pedagogy, history of education, politics and theories of intercultural education, and postcolonial theory.
Research Interest
Her philosophical studies focus on the ethics of difference and poststructuralist framings of subjectivity and responsibility, with particular interest in the writings of Derrida, Levinas, Foucault and Agamben. As a philosopher of education, she is interested in developing new links between philosophy and education, analyzing and evaluating educational goals, frameworks of policy and school cultures, and developing new idioms of educational theory. Her current research focuses on discourse analysis of intercultural education (technologies of bio-politics in tolerance and migrant integration), gender and integration politics, and pedagogical mourning (with emphasis on the memorialisation and transfer of trauma; responsibility as unfinished mourning).
“The Europeanization of Ethnocentrism: The performativity of new Borders in Cyprus†(Hagar, International Social Science Review) The aporia of Recognition: Reckoning with Multiculturalism in Cyprus (forthcoming in Educational Theory).
“Resisting the Pedagogical Domestication of Cosmopolitanism: From Nussbaum’s Concentric Circles of Humanity to Derrida’s Aporetic Ethics of Hospitality†(Philosophy of Education Society Yearbook)“De-Scribing Hybridity in ‘Unspoiled’Cyprus: Postcolonial Tasks for Theory of Educationâ€