
Environmental Sciences Experts

Ioannis Vyrides

Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental Science and Technology
Cyprus University of Technology


Dr Ioannis Vyrides is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Environmental Science and Technology at the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) and the group leader of Environmental Engineering Laboratory since 2012. He holds a Diploma in Chemical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece (2005). He has a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the Imperial College London where he worked on the Submerged Anaerobic Membrane Reactor (SAMBR) for the treatment of toxic wastewater (2009). He has worked as a Post Doc in molecular microbiology research laboratory at the Kings College London where he has constructed a microbial consortium from anaerobic isolated strains which was inoculated in a UASB bioreactor (2009-2010). He was a Visiting Lecturer at the Imperial College London and the CUT (2011).

Research Interest

Anaerobic digestion process and the utilisation of the end products from anaerobic digestion such as biogas, sludge and anaerobic effluent.


  • Koutinas M, Patsalou M, Stavrinou S, Vyrides I (2016) High temperature alcoholic fermentation of orange peel by the newly isolated thermotolerant Pichia kudriavzevii KVMP10. Lett Appl Microbiol 62: 75-83.

  • Xenofontos E, Tanase AM, Stoica I, Vyrides I (2016) Newly isolated alkalophilic Advenella species bioaugmented in activated sludge for high p-cresol removal. N Biotechnol 33: 305-310.

  • Vyrides I, Stuckey DC (2017) Compatible solute addition to biological systems treating waste/wastewater to counteract osmotic and other environmental stresses : a review. Crit Rev Biotechnol 37: 865-879.

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