Kyriacos Neocleous
Research Fellow
Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics
Cyprus University of Technology
"Dr. Kyriacos Neocleous is a member of D.G. Hadjimitsis (Associate Prof.) research team. He obtained his BEng degree (1st Class) in Civil and Structural Engineering (1996) and PhD in Structural-Concrete Engineering (2000) from the University of Sheffield. Dr. Neocleous is a member of the Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber (ΕΤΕΚ). Previously, he held the position of Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering of the University of Sheffield, where he participated and co-managed a range of research projects on structural concrete. Currently he is a Research Associate at the Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics of the Cyprus University of Technology. "
Research Interest
His research interests include reinforced concrete, novel concrete reinforcements, rigid pavements, experimental techniques, construction sustainability.
"Design issues for concrete reinforced with steel fibers, including fibers recovered from used tires K Neocleous, H Tlemat, K Pilakoutas Journal of materials in civil engineering 18 (5), 677-685"
"Design philosophy issues of fiber reinfored polymer reinforced concrete structures K Pilakoutas, K Neocleous, M Guadagnini Journal of Composites for Construction 6 (3), 154-161"
"Fatigue resistance and cracking mechanism of concrete pavements reinforced with recycled steel fibres recovered from post-consumer tyres AG Graeff, K Pilakoutas, K Neocleous, MVNN Peres Engineering Structures 45, 385-395"