
Business & Management Experts

Leonidas C. Leonidou

Department of Business and Public Administration
Cyprus University of Technology


Educational background He holds undergraduate degrees in Business Administration (1981) and Economics (1985) from the Athens Graduate School of Economics and Business Sciences, as well as an M.Sc in Business Administration (1982) and Ph.D in Marketing (1986) from the University of Bath, United Kingdom. Professional experience Soon after the completion of his studies, he joined the Middle East Marketing Research Bureau Ltd, where he worked for five years as a marketing analyst/consultant for projects relating mainly to the Middle East and Eastern Europe, and was involved in numerous studies referring to research and consulting in marketing, such as market assessments, feasibility studies, and strategic plans. He also served as general manager of the Marketing Research Center (Hellas) Ltd, where he was responsible for a wide range of research studies on issues pertaining to marketing, socio-economic, and political issues in Greece. Academic posts Before his appointment at the University of Cyprus, he worked as a special scientist in international marketing at the Athens University of Economics and Business. He was also appointed visiting research fellow at Cardiff Business School, Leeds University Business School, and Unversity of Vaasa. He served for six years as dean of the School of Economics and Management of the University of Cyprus, an ex-officio member of the Senate, and a member of various University committees. He is now professor of marketing and coordinator of the marketing specialization in the Department of Business and Public Administration of the University of Cyprus. He is also a co-director of the MBA program.

Research Interest

His research interests are in the following five areas: (a) International marketing, e.g., export development process, export stimuli and barriers, export information, environmental, organizational, and managerial effects on export behavior, country of origin effects, and foreign partner selection; (b) Relationship marketing, e.g., exporter-importer working relationship, behavioral aspects of distribution channels, industrial buyer-seller relationships, and influence strategies; (c) Strategic marketing, e.g., international marketing strategy, international joint ventures, determinants of company performance, and business performance measurement; (d) Socially-responsible marketing, e.g., green consumer behavior, eco-friendly marketing strategy, ethical issues in business strategy, green advertising, and corporate social responsibility; and (e) Marketing in emerging economies, e.g., marketing practices in the Middle East, consumer buyer behavior in Eastern Europe, export/import marketing from firms in the Far East, and the evolution of the marketing concept in small developing countries.


  • Leonidou, L.C., B. Aykol, T. Fotiadis, and P. Christodoulides (2017) "Betrayal intention in exporter-importer working relationships: Its drivers, outcomes, and moderating effects", International Business Review, Vol. 26, No. x, pp. xxx-xxx.

  • Leonidou, L.C., C.S. Katsikeas, S. Samiee, and B. Aykol (2017), Advances in global marketing: A research anthology, Germany: Springer, xxx pp.

  • Leonidou, L.C., C.S. Katsikeas, S. Samiee, and B. Aykol (2017), “International marketing research: A state-of-the-art review and the way forward". In Advances in global marketing: A research anthology, edited by L.C. Leonidou, C.S. Katsikeas, S. Samiee, and B. Aykol, Germany: Springer, pp. xx-xx.

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