
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Maria Ypsilanti:

Department of Classics and Philosophy
Cyprus University of Technology


She obtained her first degree from the Department of Greek Philology of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Athens (1991-1995). She studied at a post-graduate level at King’s College (University of London), Department of Classics (M.A. in Classics, 1996-1997), and at University College London (University of London), Department of Greek and Latin (PhD in Classics, 1998-2003). PhD thesis: An Edition with Commentary of Selected Epigrams of Crinagoras, forthcoming (revised and enriched with the rest of Crinagoras’ poems, with double as much the size of the thesis) in Oxford University Press (ISBN 9780199565825). In 1999 she was awarded a three-year scholarship from the National Scholarships Foundation of Greece (IKY) in support of her PhD research. From 2004 onwards she teaches Ancient Greek Literature at the University of Cyprus.

Research Interest

Hellenistic Poetry, Poetry of Late Antiquity, Epigram, Tragedy, Textual Criticism. Principal Investigator of a Research Program funded by the University of Cyprus (2010-2012) on Nonnus' Paraphrase of the Gospel of St.John. Main collaborators: Laura Franco, Margherita Maria Di Nino. Short-term collaborators: Filip Doroszewski, Claudia Greco, George Kazantzides, Julia Demetriou. (all collaborators hold a doctoral degree) (The grant was awarded after a process where 126 proposals were competing and following a peer-reviewed evaluation by international referees it was ranked 10th).


  • Homeric vocabulary in Nonnus’ Paraphrase of St. John's Gospel: examination of themes and formulas in selected passages” in A. Efstathiou and I. Karamanou (edd.), Homeric Receptions Across Generic and Cultural Contexts (Trends in Classics: Berlin-New York 2016), 215-24

  • “Image-Making and the Art of Paraphrasing: Aspects of Darkness and Light in the Metabole” στὸ K. Spanoudakis (ed.), Nonnus of Panopolis in Context. Poetry and Cultural Milieu in Late Antiquity (Trends in Classics: Berlin-New York 2014), 123-37

  • Ἐπίδραση τοῦ ἀρχαίου ἑλληνικοῦ ἐπιγράμματος σὲ λογίους-ποιητὲς τοῦ 19ου αἰώνα” στὸ G. A. Xenis (ed.), Literature, Scholarship, Philosophy, and History. Classical Studies in Memory of Ioannis Taifacos (Franz Steiner Verlag: Stuttgart 2015), 183-209

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