Marilena Karyolemou
Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
Cyprus University of Technology
Graduated from the University of Champagne-Ardennes (France) with a Maîtrise in Modern Literature and from the University of Paris V-René Descartes (Sorbonne, France) with a Maîtrise in Language Sciences. She was awarded her cum laude doctorate in Linguistics from the same University in 1994. She then worked as a lecturer of French at Philips College, Nicosia. She was elected lecturer in linguistics at the University of Cyprus in 1997, then assistant professor in 2002. She has participated in the project Euromosaic III of the European Commission as a language group correspondent for Cyprus and she has been a member of the Cyprus Permanent Committee on Geographical Names representing the University. She is currently a member of Team Europe experts for Cyprus. Research Interests Language policy and language planning Minority/lesser used languages Urban dialectology
Research Interest
Linguistics, communicative patterns in a former-diglossic community
Goutsos, D. & Karyolemou, M. (eds.) 2004. The sociolinguistics of Cyprus I: Studies from the Greek sphere. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 168: 1-17
Karyolémou, M. 2007b. ? La langue turque à Chypre : Gestion d’une diglossie à bilinguisme de minoritéâ€. In Baider Fabienne (ed.) Emprunts linguistiques, Empreintes culturelles : Métissage orient-occident. Paris: L'Harmattan. pp. 125-140.
Karyolemou, M. 2007a. Reproduction and innovation of communicative patterns in a former-diglossic community?. In Rudolf Muhr (ed.) Reproduction and Innovation in Language and Communication in different Language Cultures/Reproduktionen und Innovationen in Sprache und Kommunikation verschiedener Sprachkulturen, Vienna: Peter Lang Verlag. S. pp. 39-56.