Michael Lombardo
Department of Psycology
Cyprus University of Technology
I'm a Lecturer (equivalent to Assistant Professor in the USA) in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cyprus (UCY). I direct the Laboratory for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (LAND) and am a faculty member of the Center for Applied Neuroscience (CAN) at UCY. My interests and expertise span multiple disciplines (psychology, neuroscience, genomics, data science, machine learning, computational biology, bioinformatics, neuroendocrinology) and are all applied in a translational research program focused on understanding heterogeneity and early developmental mechanisms involved in autism and atypical neurodevelopment. I did my undergraduate degree in psychology at the University of California, Davis and shortly after worked as a postgraduate researcher at both the UC Davis MIND Institute and UC Davis Center for Mind and Brain. I then moved to the University of Cambridge and obtained my PhD in the Department of Psychiatry at the Autism Research Centre with Prof Simon Baron-Cohen. I continued in Cambridge after the PhD, with post-doctoral fellowship funding from Jesus College, Cambridge and the British Academy.
Research Interest
Research interests: autism, neurodevelopmental disorders, heterogeneity, individual differences, computational psychiatry, precision medicine, data science, fetal programming, social and affective neuroscience, social communication, social cognition, emotion, mentalizing, theory of mind, empathy, sex/gender, brain development, steroid hormones, genomics, transcriptomics, network science, bioinformatics
Lai, M. C., Lombardo, M. V., Chakrabarti, B., & Baron-Cohen, S. (2013). Subgrouping the autism spectrum: Reflections on DSM-5. PLoS Biology, 11(4), e1001544.
Lombardo, M. V.*, Lai, M. C.*, Auyeung, B., Holt, R. J., Allison, C., Smith, P., Chakrabarti, B., Ruigrok, A. N. V., Suckling, J., Bullmore, E. T., MRC AIMS Consortium, Ecker, C., Craig M. C., Murphy, D. G. M., Happe, F., & Baron-Cohen, S. (2016). Unsupervised data-driven stratification of mentalizing heterogeneity in autism. Scientific Reports, 6, 35333. * = equal contributions.
Lombardo, M. V., Pierce, K., Eyler, L., Carter Barnes, C., Ahrens-Barbeau, C., Solso, S., Campbell, K., & Courchesne, E. (2015). Different functional neural substrates for good and poor language outcome in autism. Neuron, 86, 567-577.